User Guide - Integration with testing frameworks

Integration with testing frameworks

Plain old scalamock can be used in tests written using ScalaTest or Specs2 frameworks.

ScalaMock 7 experimental API can be used with any testing framework. MUnit, zio-test, munit-cats-effect or any other you like.

ScalaMock 7

ScalaTest, Specs2, MUnit

Just mixin org.scalamock.stubs.Stubs and you are all set.


Add dependency:

libraryDependencies += "org.scalamock" %% "scalamock-zio" % "7.1.0" % Test

Mixin org.scalamock.stubs.ZIOStubs where additional returnsZIO method is available and you are all set.

munit cats-effect

Add dependency:

libraryDependencies += "org.scalamock" %% "scalamock-cats-effect" % "7.1.0" % Test

Mixin org.scalamock.stubs.CatsEffectStubs where additional returnsIO method is available and you are all set.



To provide mocking support in ScalaTest suites just mix your suite with org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory:

import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory

class CoffeeMachineTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with MockFactory {

  "CoffeeMachine" should "not turn on the heater when the water container is empty" in {
      val waterContainerMock = mock[WaterContainer]
      // ...

When testing Futures with AsyncTestSuites (eg. AsyncFlatSpec), mix in org.scalamock.scalatest.AsyncMockFactory instead:

class ExchangeRateListingTest extends AsyncFlatSpec with AsyncMockFactory {

  val eur = Currency(id = "EUR", valueToUSD = 1.0531, change = -0.0016)
  val gpb = Currency(id = "GPB", valueToUSD = 1.2280, change = -0.0012)
  val aud = Currency(id = "AUD", valueToUSD = 0.7656, change = -0.0024)

  "ExchangeRateListing" should "eventually return the exchange rate between passed Currencies when getExchangeRate is invoked" in {
      val currencyDatabaseStub = stub[CurrencyDatabase]
      val listing = new ExchangeRateListing(currencyDatabaseStub)
      val future: Future[Double] = listing.getExchangeRate(,
      future map (exchangeRate => assert(exchangeRate == eur.valueToUSD / gpb.valueToUSD))


To use ScalaMock in Specs2 tests you should run each test case in a separate fixture context that implements org.scalamock.specs2.MockContext:

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.scalamock.specs2.MockContext

class BasicCoffeeMachineTest extends Specification {

  "CoffeeMachine" should {
    "not turn on the heater when the water container is empty" in new MockContext {
        val waterContainerMock = mock[WaterContainer]
        // ...

There are other ways of using ScalaMock in Specs2 tests - please check Sharing mocks and expectations chapter for more details.