User Guide - Integration with testing frameworks

Integration with testing frameworks

ScalaMock can be used in tests written using the ScalaTest or Specs2 frameworks.


To provide mocking support in ScalaTest suites just mix your suite with org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory:

import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory

class CoffeeMachineTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with MockFactory {

  "CoffeeMachine" should "not turn on the heater when the water container is empty" in {
      val waterContainerMock = mock[WaterContainer]
      (waterContainerMock.isEmpty _).expects().returning(true)
      // ...

When testing Futures with AsyncTestSuites (eg. AsyncFlatSpec), mix in org.scalamock.scalatest.AsyncMockFactory instead:

class ExchangeRateListingTest extends AsyncFlatSpec with AsyncMockFactory {

  val eur = Currency(id = "EUR", valueToUSD = 1.0531, change = -0.0016)
  val gpb = Currency(id = "GPB", valueToUSD = 1.2280, change = -0.0012)
  val aud = Currency(id = "AUD", valueToUSD = 0.7656, change = -0.0024)

  "ExchangeRateListing" should "eventually return the exchange rate between passed Currencies when getExchangeRate is invoked" in {
      val currencyDatabaseStub = stub[CurrencyDatabase]
      (currencyDatabaseStub.getCurrency _).when(
      (currencyDatabaseStub.getCurrency _).when(
      (currencyDatabaseStub.getCurrency _).when(
      val listing = new ExchangeRateListing(currencyDatabaseStub)
      val future: Future[Double] = listing.getExchangeRate(,
      future map (exchangeRate => assert(exchangeRate == eur.valueToUSD / gpb.valueToUSD))


To use ScalaMock in Specs2 tests you should run each test case in a separate fixture context that implements org.scalamock.specs2.MockContext:

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.scalamock.specs2.MockContext

class BasicCoffeeMachineTest extends Specification {

  "CoffeeMachine" should {
    "not turn on the heater when the water container is empty" in new MockContext {
        val waterContainerMock = mock[WaterContainer]
        (waterContainerMock.isEmpty _).expects().returning(true)
        // ...

There are other ways of using ScalaMock in Specs2 tests - please check Sharing mocks and expectations chapter for more details.